Monday, August 10, 2009

Why BodyEaze?

Feeling run down and all wired up? Tense and fatigued? Frustrated and anxious? Most people answer with a big Yes. Most people are living a life of being pulled in so many directions that up is often confused with down.

Look at those questions. All of them are opposites. Run down is the opposite of wired up. Anxious is going a different direction than frustrated. Yet ask any working adult and most will affirm that they do feel that way.

If they deny it, either they are telling the truth and they really do enjoy the hustle of life and they breathe and relax and communicate without any frustrations. Or they are in denial yet do not realize the toll that stress is playing on their body and their life.

BodyEaze is designed to get the body out of a dis-ease state. To help you relax and move the energy of stress from one area of the body to another and then out of the body. Stress has a tendency to congregate in our most tense areas of the body and causing pain thus creating even more stress. Stress and worry and hassles affect the emotional brain (there are several parts to the brain).

The stress effect on the brain is to increase hormonal output to the adrenals, stomach, heart, liver, and other organs to be ready for an attack. This would be great if the attack was once a week. But the information is daily, hourly, in fact for so many, it is all the time.

The hormones are released (ACTH, CRH, Cortisol, Adrenaline, Noradrenaline) instantly with stress and the body’s reaction is to be tense and ready for the dis-ease of the moment and the impending doom. Tense means really tight muscles in the neck, the shoulders, the back, the legs.

After a while the body will get tired being tensed and tied into knots. With this constant tenseness that leads to fatigue some muscles stay tight and others become weak and achy. If this continues, the dis-ease can lead to arthritis, organ problems, illness, sleep issues, and a host of other physical and emotion issues that just are not that much fun.

Why on earth or heaven, would anyone want the body to go through so much pain and suffering that leads to more problems?

These are some answers I get when I ask people this question:

I don’t have any other choice.

But I can’t leave.

I have to keep going no matter what.

I don’t see any other way.

I am afraid to stop.

I could lose my job.

I might get hurt.

I want to be right.

I hurt too much to stop and think and feel.

I just want a pill.

I have no problems.

It is there fault anyway.

It is bizarre to think that some actually believe they are trapped in their vicious cycle of stress. They assume there is no choice. They assume life is meant to be painful at all times. They assume poorly.

The body is directly affected by our thoughts, our actions, our emotions. It is real. You have so much power to create a stressful tenseful fatigued body. You have enough power to create a peaceful, strong, energized body and life.

Yes, you do have the power to do that. And BodyEaze is one of many programs that is designed to empower you to empowerlife. BodyEaze is for the novice and the advance. It has several steps that can guide you through simple procedures of laying your hands on your own body or a family members body to help ease the tension.

This does not replace medicine. This does not replace a nice massage.

BodyEaze and similar StressEase energy techniques are so nice. They are so relaxing and invigorating. They really setup the body so the body can release these tight muscles and over-fatigue that is stored in the cells.

It comes in three parts:

  1. Energy Flow: the use of hands to relax and allow the body to move the stuck energy.
  2. Affirmations: the stating of an affirmation that corresponds to that area of the body.
  3. Breathing deeply and allowing the most precious physical commodity oxygen to flow easily into the body.
  4. Visualizations and time spent thinking clearly.

There is a scripture that states. Be still and know that I am God. In order to get the help of God or the universe and activate all the amazing blessings and gifts of the divine or the universe in your life, being still is a major component. In the stillness, the mind can relax and truth can flow. In the chaos, the mind is kept busy with clutter and it leads to a stressful messy life.

BodyEaze leads to a stillness that is easy to obtain. Most people who first start out with a study of meditation complain that it takes to long to “get there”. “Getting there” is so much easier with this program.

Getting there really means connecting the mind, the heart, the body, and the soul into one experience. All going on the same path and not divided. Notice the statements at the beginning of anxious and fatigued or wired and run-down. Anytime you are in conflict, getting there, becoming still, creating what you want without a lot of energy or pain is not possible.

BodyEaze makes it easier to make it possible; the possibility of peace, strength, understanding, joy and vitality.

The technique is listed easily and simply. Be sure to not be driving while doing this procedure. There are several key items to remember:

  1. Have some water nearby. Never allow yourself to be thirsty. The kidneys are always a part of any movement of energy. And excess energy movement could tighten up the kidneys which could lead to stressed muscles in the back or shoulders. So always drink water before, after and sometimes during a BodyEaze procedure.

  1. If pain increases,
    1. Go to the feet and rub the bottom of the feet and toes gently.

    1. Energize the kidneys (put your hands on the lower to middle back).

    1. Drink water.
    2. Roll your eyes into different positions.
    3. Move your jaw into different positions.
    4. Go on to the next position. This is to help release pain not increase it. Sometimes pain means the body is releasing faster than your lymph, liver, and kidney can process. There is no need to push the procedure. You can do the procedure again tomorrow. This is a procedure that is meant to be used again and again.
  1. The affirmations are suggestions. They do correspond to that area of the body. However, you are free to change them. Remember be honest with the statement and always be honoring and respect of your body, mind and soul. This procedure is not for ridiculing you or others. It is to relax, release, and uplift.
  2. The affirmations are powerful so use them.
  3. Visualize peaceful places or areas that invigorate you. Visualize the problems that are the stresses or the causes of your stress. But do not stay in the negative too long. Remember life is a teacher if you let it be.

  1. Deep Breathing is paramount to the whole experience. Practice breathing from your diaphragm (below the ribs). The deeper the breath the more life you give yourself. You can put a book on your stomach and watch it rise to practice deep breathing.

  1. If you hold your breath then do it when you have a positive thought. At least you can store the positive thought. But it is better just to relax and breathe properly. Centering Dynamics is a great book for breathing ideas and techniques.

  1. Enjoy Life.

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